Security & Anti-Poaching

a person in green uniform holding a dog

Lewa has combined the techniques of a world-class security operation, including cutting-edge monitoring technology, with the engagement of the surrounding communities as critical partners in conservation. Lewa’s security force protects not only the wildlife within the Conservancy, but enhances security for both people and wildlife across the region. 

Lewa’s wildlife ranger and security teams are critical to our conservation success and are divided into two main groups. The unarmed units consist of general security and rhino monitors who are our frontline eyes and ears. The armed rangers form part of the National Police Reservists and  are the first responders in any illegal activities, such as poaching in the conservancy and livestock theft issues  within neighbouring communities. Lewa’s 154 rangers play a crucial role as our wildlife guardians and our community ambassadors. 

The impact of this commitment was realized in September 2020, when Lewa reached a milestone:  hosting a thriving population of 130 white rhinos. Being a viable and conducive ecosystem for critically endangered species is testament to the rangers’ devotion to the protection of nature and wildlife.

a person in a green uniform sitting in front of a desk with several monitors

Fostering Relations

Recognising the importance of technology in wildlife protection, Lewa’s security team uses innovative and high-tech software like EarthRanger, a wildlife and nature monitoring platform developed by Vulcan Inc. EarthRanger helps Lewa’s security team protect our wildlife using real-time data. It helps the teams stay informed and make sound operational decisions for wildlife conservation.

Conservation Technology

Strengthened investment in security capacity that promotes peace and dialogue is key to protecting the conservancy’s biodiversity and maintaining our conservation success. Building strong relations with our neighbours and key partners is a key component of the security teams’ work. Lewa’s security team has also fostered good relations with the regional legislative teams, helping them better understand the challenges that are faced in terms of wildlife protection.